By Wobblefat - 14/12/2016 13:16

Today, I was watching porn when I found a lookalike of my soon-to-be sister-in-law. She's attractive, so I enjoyed watching her getting it on by herself. Needless to say I did not finish as I saw another "lookalike" entering the room. I have now seen my brothers erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 000
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silver lining, I bet this provides some new ideas for wedding presents. . videography class, photo lights, zoom lens


His brother and partner are into making amateur ****. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Or professional ****, who knows? maybe they met on the set.

silver lining, I bet this provides some new ideas for wedding presents. . videography class, photo lights, zoom lens

More silver lining, now you know that was your actual sister-in-law and not just a lookalike!

hellobobismyname 24

#12 - I don't see how that's a silver lining..?

That's going to be one awkward wedding toast.

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I find it funny how some automatically assume OP must be male as OP is watching ****. It is 2016, females are also watching ****. (Doesn't make the OP need less of brain bleach though)

I find it funny how some automatically assume the above comment wasn't made in jest.

i find it funny that the above comment thinks that it would make a difference.. Anyway I tried to comment in general but apparantly i accidently touched the reply button previously so now it is stuck to this comment, while there where plenty if others that it applies too also.

I thought op was a girl for some reason. Never even considered that op could be a guy.

I need brain bleach after seeing that comment...

blackrose1996 11

Now that's funny can't believe you got negative remarks

I only assumed OP is a guy because they were watching only a girl at the beginning, but still could be a girl

Also to those who had trouble understanding, what I got from it was that he was watching the porno and his brother walked in in the ****. So basically he watched a **** of his brother and sister in law.

That was my understanding. Pretty cringe-worthy stuff, there.

You should start bleaching but I don't think any type of brain bleach can work after watching that Video.

sohigh10 34

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nitemastr15 17

Doesn't matter what size either of them is, the point is he saw a **** video of his brother and his fiance.

Where did you read anything about his brother's size?? People with small dicks make pornos too..

LostInLife94 29

actually it was his future sister-in-law, not his fiancée

i think #11 implied his brothers fiance when he wrote: "his brother and his fiance" to me it seemed pretty clear in the way he wrote it. If he wrote it the otherway around it would have been different.

nitemastr15 17

I did mean brother and brothers fiancé a.k.a. future sister-in-law, but i can see how that could have been mistaken. Sorry for being unclear.

I like how the FML says "needless to say" and then follows it up with something that needed to be said for the FML to be understood.

The fact that the second look alike was his brother was needed, but the seeing his erect penis was not.

28, yes it is. And it means that whatever follows it is supposed to be implied from what was said prior to it. Which it is not in this case. If the FML read like "I saw my brother enter the room. Needless to say I didn't finish." then it would be correct.

It doesn't really matter, either way. The "needless to say" part applies to him not finishing, not to the rest of the sentence.

And the part that matters about him not finishing is that his brother entered. Which was not stated until after the "needles to say", hence it wasn't needless to say.

The "needless to say" was about the fact he did not finish, and then he goes into explain why. So it is a perfectly acceptable use of the phrase.

What are you going to get them as a wedding present? His and her anal waxings? That'd make your viewing more pleasurable!

It's moments like this where you wish the MiB neurolyzer was real.