By spaz - 14/03/2011 01:49 - United States

Today, my dog started barking very aggressively. Thinking she'd started another gruesome fight with my older dog, I jumped up from the couch, spilling my coffee all over my laptop and dress, and knocked over a vase my grandmother gave me. She was barking at her own shadow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 912
You deserved it 13 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kenshinjapan 2

It sounds like someone's sleeping outside tonight!

That was the dog's plan. And it worked.


GCHoorah 0

reasons why I won't get another dog haha

Reason why I only keep tortoises as pets. :D

marinkovski 0

do you think everything is so cute? haha

chlorinegreen 27

reason why I only foster dogs. it's like babysitting, nothing permanent. I get to spoil (to a certain extent) then send them off to their new mommy.

cryssycakesx3 22

you take the dog from it's mom and then give it back?

hey retard, socialize and take your dog out more often so it's not a chicken shit

sammy92 0

dogs tend to be more tempermental because of lack of socialization. they'll pick fights with other household pets and can be more skittish. (both which are mentioned in this fml) don't blame the dog blame the owner! F the dog's life

I know right? I have a dog too his name is spike :D

denvan 0

Next time look both ways instead of tripping on yourself.

Eek, not cool. I always manage to spill my coffee one way or another, usually doing something way less important than the OP :(