By IB6UB9 - 28/11/2009 17:32 - United States

Today, I woke up and looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was covered in glitter. I asked my wife about it and she said she put it on me while I was sleeping so that I would sparkle like Edward from Twilight when I'm in the sunlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 161
You deserved it 6 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Alldreeezy 3

omg I love your wife. you better hold on to that one. lol

133, your just as a dumb and should be lobotomized. Anyone whose that obsesed with writing that was done with crayons has issues. OP I feel bad for you for having to put up with such a moron of a wife.

If she wants you to be more like Edward Cullen, go for it. Just include the creepiness, try to force her away from her friends, and act cold and abusive towards her.

fyl...but thats hysterical... and people...there can be fans of twilight that arnt obsessed...or the people (who, like me!) liked twilight BEFORE it became popular, before it became a movie...ya know...if you get past the idiodic fangirls and assholes that rip on it...its actually a pretty good book...

God, I agree. Probably 90% of the stories are fake, just because someone wants to get attention. FFS, if you hate Twilight so much, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT. Do you realize that most of the attention comes because people start it with negativity? Idiots.

SeximusPrime 0
mizanonymous 0

This is why psychiatric evaluations should be a requirement before marriage! Oh and quick way to fix this... Replace all the food with animal blood then sit in the kitchen drinking fake blood and watch her freak the **** out!

WAT IS WRONG WITH UR FACE! ANIMAL BLOOD..REALLY..SHE WOULD DIE! YOH WANNA KILL PEOPLE IS THAT WAT YOH WANT ...*Points at yoh and says* KILLER OF HUMAINS! YA JERK actually, you wouldn't kill her, you'd just creep her out.... ALOT.

Divorce...NOW! Fans that go THAT far are not going to change any time soon and their obsession will only get worse!

BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i went on the computer just to comment on this. xD

i want to tell every stupid twilight obsessed child that im going to cut off edwards head. stupid sparkling vampires and their idiot cult followers.

your obviously either jealous, or have nothing else to do with your life than to make fun of other people. you know twilight is absolutely amazing, don't deny it.

jealous? the book wasnt that great. bella is such a helpless twit i couldnt bear to even finish it. if you enjoy twilight enjoy it. but dont tell me its "amazing" because it isnt. and mostly im complaining about the idiot fans that think a cult needs to form over something so dumb and the fact that A GROWN WOMAN is doing stupid shit like in this fml.

cutting his head wont work. stake him or leave him out in sunlight for a really long time so he can sparkle himself to death.

thats actually how one would kill a vampire. plus, cutting off edward cullens head would be funny :]