By LadyChristina25 - 05/06/2009 01:07 - United States

Today, I witnessed a horrible car accident and was interviewed by the local news. During the interview I said, "It was terrible. It was like watching a silent movie... but there was sound!" The interview has been aired 6 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 571
You deserved it 81 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jessaly_fml 0

wow... next time sound smarter? lol. that sucks. fyl.


Let me get this straight. You witness a horrible car accident and you say F*Your*Life? You'd think the accident would give you some perspective....

Are you blonde? Or just reeeeally high?

Oh my gosh!!! I totally lol'd on that one. It was like watching a silent movie, but with sound!!! are you for real? and if you are we need to get in touch.

rustyrox 0

Hehe! I know what you mean! Ps I would totally say that! Haha

S3harp 0

Would pay for link to this

lol, I would laugh if I saw someone say that on tv.

hahaha aw. oops. Oh well, everyone says stupid shit :/

You probably just said that because you were scared. FYL. That sucks that it got aired 6 times. I'm sorry.

haha man hopefully its on youtube later