By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I went to watch the Movie "UP." At one point in the movie I got really sad and started to cry a bit. The 7 year old girl next to me noticed and told me to shut and man up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 750
You deserved it 21 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Phlecks 0

Hey, **** all of you who won't admit to crying during a disney movie. Air Bud. Right here. If you didn't cry during Air Bud then your soul is a black pile of ash and evil.

What's it like to be put in place by a little girl?


mentholyptus 0

I'm a 19 year old guy and I got teary during that movie as well. My girlfriend saw and made fun of me a bit. Nothing wrong with it.

Ignore the little kid. Honestly, I went and saw it with a few friends, and we all cried at a few parts. She probably just didn't get the deeper message that made it cry worthy. Unlike lion king and a few others, the older you were, the sadder it was i think.

I bet all the people calling this guy out for being a pussy bawled their eyes out.

I would've slapped the little brat in the face. I'm a twenty-year old woman and I'm not ashamed to admit I cried during the beginning of UP. And I wasn't alone. The scenes of Carl and Ellie's life together seemed to touch the whole theater. When Ellie died, the whole theater seemed to let out a collective sniffle. One woman two rows behind me started outright sobbing hysterically and had to leave the theater for a few minutes to calm down. My mother was weeping quitely through the whole first fifteen minutes, because she was reminded of her parents. I admit, my own tears came from the fact that Carl and Ellie reminded me of my grandparents. So don't be ashamed of crying. It was sad, and that was just a natural reaction. That little girl was clearly absent the day they handed out compassion. Bet she grows up to be a sociopath. And #33, as long as it's written well, a cartoon can move people just as well as a live action movie can. Don't assume one artisic medium is inherently inferior to another.

My fiancé cried too in the movie. Who cares? It's a sad movie. I'm more concerned for the heartless girl than for my man who understands the basic human emotions we all should have.

helios_rex 0

That kid is probably too young to realize the implications of what was actually going on in the movie. I have seen the movie, and while I didn't cry, I did feel saddened and had a knot in my throat; the part of the movie in question here is indeed strong and hard to swallow for a man or woman... especially for a married man (such as myself), who is in a great relationship. FYI, I'm a 30 year old beer-drinking, UFC-watching, US Marine.

un_loved3947 0
aladyduh 0

Anyone who clicked you deserve it is stupid. It's a Disney movie. Who hasn't cried during one of those?? The ones that clicked YDI obviously have no emotions what so ever.

baysidebird88 0

A. # 7 made me die of laughter. B. you should of told her to shut the **** up and that you were watching a movie. C. I think its cute, that you cried