By Anonymous - 24/09/2014 13:58 - United States

Today, I went to use the porta potty at the construction site I work at and found two homeless people having sex in it. I almost got fired, because my advisor blamed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 408
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_the_tiger 14

And how could that possibly be your fault?

You know you have a smart boss when he blames you for 2 strangers having sex


Was it a 5 star porta potty ? Those things like hotels for the homeless to have sex in

fearlesscooldude 12

But ******** was not mentioned in this FML

nataliewby 25

Hey, homeless people have to get it on too, right?

incoherentrmblr 21

Was it Mike and the boys from The Other Guys?...

alex_the_tiger 14

And how could that possibly be your fault?

orbit 22

Because op obviously runs a homeless sex ring off craigslist

And now you've inspired bum **** to go along with bum fights. I hope you're happy.

cadillacgal79 32

She obviously hooked two homeless people up, duh

You know you have a smart boss when he blames you for 2 strangers having sex

I mean seriously, who the hell would organize for homeless people to have sex at their work site. His boss should be fired -.-

RedPillSucks 31

They may have been blamed for leaving some entrance unsecure so the homeless could get in. Just guessing, of course.

You didn't ask to join? Sir, where are your manors?

It's a construction site. The manors are still being built.

sexpectations 15

I interpreted 5&7s comments to be clever switches between manners and manors, as this post has to do with construction. If it was unintentional and indeed a spelling error, only then do I apologize.

Haha, the things that happen at peoples work are unbelievable

You must not have a job then lol the work fmls aren't hard to believe.

homesuckfucker 28

Well, ew. If you have a job where it's common to come across these things, I suggest looking into different ones. The fact that your superiors would try to fire you for something you had absolutely no control over only makes it worse. Best of luck finding a new, hopefully cleaner, place of work.

you can just steal an idea and rent the potty out by the hour. a portabordello

You know what they say. When the port-a-pottys a rockin' don't cum a knocnin'.

Your boss should get a role in a sequel of Horrible bosses :/