By way2gosam - 26/05/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital in premature labor. Alone, I texted my best friend/crush and asked him to come and sit with me for an hour while I waited on my mom to arrive. Eating cornflakes and watching TV, he replied "I can't". Apparently TV is more important than a best friend in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 214
You deserved it 23 878

way2gosam tells us more.

Okay, I'm finally writing back to all 401 of your comments. Yes, I am a pregnant teenager- although, I can not see how that has any revelance to my post, pregnancy in teenagers happens quite often and I do not appreciate the judgemental/negative comments being thrown at me. It's pure slander. Yes, the father and I did have a fallout and I will be raising the baby on my own, with the help and support of my family and friends- not to mention he lives in the northern part of the state that I live in, which happens to be 4-5 hours away, even if he wanted to be here for the arrival of our child(which we are expecting to be a girl), he could not make it here on time. Therefore, my mother is my "go'to man", for lack of better words. I also notice you all are saying that he wouldn't want to hold my hand or watch the baby being born, I never said he would be in the delievery room- I simply asked him to keep my company during the scary hours of contractions that were yet to come, until my mother could arrive and take over. Yes, we had previously discussed it, and he had said that if need-be, he would be there. Unfortunately for me, he was speaking pure lies. As for the premature labor I did go into, they did stop it, and I am now on bed rest while taking a medicine called "terbutaline" every 4 hours in order to hold her until full term. (Which is also why I could write my FML, I didn't come home taking care of a baby, I came home on bed rest so I could have my baby at the correct time. I had nothing else to do but write my FML.) I do understand how confusing and misleading my post was, but keep in mind you only get a certain amount of letters to work with when writing your original FML, and by reading this I'm sure you've noticed that I could not elaborate thouroughly with 300 letters as a maximum. I do appreciate your opinions, even though I do not agree with all the statements that were made. Just wanted to explain since there were so many confused people.

Top comments

he probably knows you are into him so is avoiding being to close to you incase he gets the position of father figure to your child and is therefore stuck with you and the kid forever, he saved himself from having a fml

Is he the father? If he is, he should be more than a "crush". Sounds like a bad choice to me either way.


Give the kid up for adoption. It'll be far better off that way than being raised by the likes of you.

1. How did you know he was watching TV and eating cornflakes? 2. Why did you phone your crush not the father? 3. He might have had something important to do later in that hour- maybe he had a job interview in half an hour.

fretforyerlatte 0

also, not trying to sound harsh but you know, the time in your life to be concerned about crushes is officially over. your life isn't about you anymore, it's about that baby. now that you're a mom, if you plan on being a good one, nothing will ever be about you anymore, ever again. that child is your life.

maybe the father isnt interested in the baby. Or she doesnt want him around when she's in labor. My friends dad wasnt allowed in the room bc her mom didnt want him in there but her aunt, grandma, and best friend were so its fine not to want the father in there if your not with the father.

#26 who the heck said she's going to high school? seriously, some of you should definitely STOP judging her. You guys don't even know her. And there could be so many reasons - that are non of our business - why the father of the baby wasn't there. And of course it's understandable that she would want her mom and best friend to be there. She was about to have a baby! And who wouldn't call their mother to tell them their grandchild is about to be born! Maybe she calls him her "crush", because he's [obviously] more than a friend to her. You can't help the feelings you develop for someone. So why not call him her crush? What else would you say? He's certainly not her lover or anything like that. It doesn't mean she's a teenager only because she has a crush on someone. And even if she is a teenager - who cares? That doesn't mean she's a bad person or can't be a good mother to her baby. And it also wouldn't be a reason to call her immature, because being pregnant as a teenager doesn't always mean you're immature. Of course - in many cases the teenage parents were immature, because they didn't use protection, but that's not always the case and we don't know what happened as well as we don't know who she is.

NotNegativeNews 0

#3 For goodness sakes. Women in labour call their mothers all the time. I intend to if I ever have kids. They also frequently call their best friends. And accident babies do happen to people in their 20s, and they are allowed crushes who are not the father, if the father is not around anymore (Okay so she probably should have 'made sure' that he was great first, but I know people who I thought were great for ages then it turned out they weren't, friends. I can see it happening potentially with a boyfriend/fiancee even. Then i wouldn't stick around for my own mental health) . Sure, it's not good to be accidentally pregnant, but don't assume that she is 14 years old and totally irresponsible either.

I agree with #9, but really, you have no idea is that's what he's going to be doing all day, there may be something more.

NotNegativeNews 0

#13. You don't go straight to the hospital usually. I assumed that the texting happened on the way. And yeah, father 'should' have been there, but for so many women, he's just not. They leave. They freak out. They find out that they're pregnant after already splitting up. They have a total accident situation (birth control failing), they get raped. Etc etc. I wouldn't want her to stick around with someone unsuitable just because he's the father.

NotNegativeNews 0

#45. Ridiculous. You are allowed to fall in love again after having a kid you know.