By way2gosam - 26/05/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital in premature labor. Alone, I texted my best friend/crush and asked him to come and sit with me for an hour while I waited on my mom to arrive. Eating cornflakes and watching TV, he replied "I can't". Apparently TV is more important than a best friend in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 214
You deserved it 23 878

way2gosam tells us more.

Okay, I'm finally writing back to all 401 of your comments. Yes, I am a pregnant teenager- although, I can not see how that has any revelance to my post, pregnancy in teenagers happens quite often and I do not appreciate the judgemental/negative comments being thrown at me. It's pure slander. Yes, the father and I did have a fallout and I will be raising the baby on my own, with the help and support of my family and friends- not to mention he lives in the northern part of the state that I live in, which happens to be 4-5 hours away, even if he wanted to be here for the arrival of our child(which we are expecting to be a girl), he could not make it here on time. Therefore, my mother is my "go'to man", for lack of better words. I also notice you all are saying that he wouldn't want to hold my hand or watch the baby being born, I never said he would be in the delievery room- I simply asked him to keep my company during the scary hours of contractions that were yet to come, until my mother could arrive and take over. Yes, we had previously discussed it, and he had said that if need-be, he would be there. Unfortunately for me, he was speaking pure lies. As for the premature labor I did go into, they did stop it, and I am now on bed rest while taking a medicine called "terbutaline" every 4 hours in order to hold her until full term. (Which is also why I could write my FML, I didn't come home taking care of a baby, I came home on bed rest so I could have my baby at the correct time. I had nothing else to do but write my FML.) I do understand how confusing and misleading my post was, but keep in mind you only get a certain amount of letters to work with when writing your original FML, and by reading this I'm sure you've noticed that I could not elaborate thouroughly with 300 letters as a maximum. I do appreciate your opinions, even though I do not agree with all the statements that were made. Just wanted to explain since there were so many confused people.

Top comments

he probably knows you are into him so is avoiding being to close to you incase he gets the position of father figure to your child and is therefore stuck with you and the kid forever, he saved himself from having a fml

Is he the father? If he is, he should be more than a "crush". Sounds like a bad choice to me either way.


70, yes we can have children. but not without mens help. so therefore, its mens "responsibility" as much as it is a womans.

This is shallow but most men don't want to sit in on labor, he might have humored you if it was his... I know I wouldn't want to go watch someone have a kid like it was a field trip. Where's your child's father?

Every1 asking how she knew how he wuz eating cornflakes and watching tv, it wuz the OP who wuz eating the cornflakes and watching tv! OP: I seriously doubt he's a good enough guy for u to have a crush on. Forget him and find a decent guy......he's not the dad, is he?

just HOW does she deserve this kind of treatment? Nobody does!

My Mum had me prematurely, 5 weeks early. I was born an hour and a half after she went into labor. My Dad (who was on a training course) only just go to the hospital before I was born. Maybe the OP called her friend because she knew he could get there quicker than someone else could and she wanted someone there with her.

krs1234 0

#70 it takes two to tango jackass

YDI you should have called the father to be there and if he wasn't going to be there then YDI for getting prego off some jackass

#74 and 79, yes it does. But if a woman is sleeping around, the man's not really gonna stick around if she gets pregnant now is he? But if a man sleeps around, he probably won't even know if he's fathered children, so he doesn't have to care. In terms of having random sex with strangers, women have a bigger responsibility in making sure they don't get pregnant, because nobody else is going to deal with the results for them. Or, I guess, at least make sure they can contact the guy they banged in case there is a child so she can make him pay maintenance. The point is, a woman sleeping around is more likely to have to be a parent than a guy who's sleeping around. And she's therefore more likely to **** up a child's life.

Maybe baby daddy was a huge asshole who got her prego then took off. Shit happens. It's not necessarily her fault. And maybe she was best friends with this other guy in the meantime, and developed feelings for him later. Who freakin cares! And of course she's gonna want her mom there! All of my sisters were married and near 30 when they had their kids and my mom was there for every one of them. Big freakin deal! It doesn't automatically mean she's some idiot 13-year-old. OP: You have to realize that guys freak out at the idea of probably wasn't that eating cornflakes was more important, he probably just didn't know how to handle being there with you. Don't read into it.

Oh, and as for all the crap about cell phones being restricted, thus making her whole story fake, every maternity ward I've been in hasn't only allowed it, but has encouraged it for mothers to stay in touch with their loved ones throughout the whole thing.