By Angela - 04/01/2012 19:01 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's office. People kept staring at me and I couldn't figure out why. Later, I realized my sister's puppies had chewed a noticeable hole in my pants' crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 544
You deserved it 5 582

Same thing different taste


flockz 19

easy access. less resistance.

Wouldn't you be able to notice when it got a little bit chilly down there...?

Drakorex 10
supercrack11 1

Ohh I see what u did there nice reference, Tht should be the new thing.

perdix 29

I'll bet the other patients thought you were there to get you penis reattached.

perdix 29

#44, at the time the FML was written, you are correct, but once he gets his penis reattached, he'll be male again, like before the dogs got to his manhood.

All you need is a "Penis goes in here" sign and you're all set. Have a nice slutty time...

heyyy464 1

What's with all the fml's about smart dogs?

2012? Doomsday? Intelligent canines area the catalyst for the rise of the Antichrist. Duh...