By deli Shoppe - 27/06/2012 04:39 - United States - Vallejo

Today, I went to the bookstore and saw a stunning girl reading. I walked over and picked up a book, thinking our two books were the same category, hence a good conversation starter. She looked at me, and I pointed at my book and smiled. After that, she left. It was a sex position book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 381
You deserved it 38 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what went through her mind when she sees a guy start walking up to her with a sex positions book...0.o

You deserve it for not looking at the cover. Rookie mistake.


What happened to just introducing yourself?

The_F3rris 11

Chivalry is dead. And so is simplicity.

Look around at the growing population of dumbfucks. Chivalry may be dwindling, but simplicity is at an all-time high

Says the poster with a misspelled word in their profile pic

DasHaas 9

Because sincerity is overrated. One must trick the female into copulating by pretending to be the preferred mate. Or, you know, learn to be an actual person some day :)

The_F3rris 11

And once you put that ring on her finger you can just quit pretending and be who you truely are. The beauty of marriage.

That is so funny! She must have thought you were a weird creepy guy. I bet she ran all the way home. Lol.

Common interests are an automatic leap into a real in-depth conversation starter. He picked up a book which he believed was in the same category as hers, so it would seem that they both had a similar taste in reading, which the girl would've noticed and he would've went in on.

Smooth move, Casanova. Did you really think pointing at a sex positions book would be a conversation starter? You know what's REALLY a conversation starter? Talking.

Trisha_aus 15

If only blokes listened to Doc instead of trying to act "cool" or "slick"

Right? If she had been interested after that, op woulda had one hell of a night

jkozzy 8

At least it wasn't a coming out of the closet book.

That one has to go in the pick up line book of records.

perdix 29

Well, you can't judge a book by its cover. You CAN judge an idiot who can't judge that a book with naked people on the cover makes him look like a perv . . . or a virgin.

I hope OP doesn't blow up my house... It'd suck if i lost my diamonds