By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, I went to the airport for my two week trip to explore Europe. My ticket was denied and the workers turned me away. When I asked why, they told me to check the date. My ticket was for June 22nd, not July. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 637
You deserved it 62 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you really that stupid? I call fake, how do you **** that up? Either you're extremely rich and a trip to Europe isn't that big of a deal, or you have serious problems.

Congratulations on being a complete idiot, OP. You managed to drop the ball so completely that you probably should never have kids. You'll end up forgetting they're in the backseat while you're shopping at Wal-Mart and come back to some fried retards.


Are you really that stupid? I call fake, how do you **** that up? Either you're extremely rich and a trip to Europe isn't that big of a deal, or you have serious problems.

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I'm saying that if a trip to Europe is no big deal to you, to the point where you don't double check your information, you're probably packing a lot of money. When I took my trip to Columbia a few months back, my friends and I checked the info a number of times because it was something we were actually excited about.

Ah I the OP is someone who goes on many holidays and this one is no biggie. I get you now. I have never been abroad so I would check the ticket like a thousand times, be the 'OMG we forgot something' friend everyone hates lol

Also, it depends what you mean by "not that expensive", too. Like, my middle class family really could not afford to buy a trip to Europe, even for one person, unless we wanted to go without food for a month or two, or we saved up for a seriously long time. Obviously, just because you can afford a trip to Europe doesn't make you rich, but to **** it up so bad... it makes it rather more likely, since it exhibits a lack of caring.

I don't see any particular correlation between caring and having money to burn. I compulsively double-check stuff I can easily afford all the time. Likewise, I see people being completely hands-off and stupid about stuff they can barely afford.

I agree w/ #44.Wealth has little to do w/ OP being irresponsible.. ... wealthier individuals generally aren't careless with their money and are less willing to waste money having to buy another ticket to Europe.. you won't stay wealthy that way.

My condolences on your being a dumb ass.

Wealthy people do not get wealthy or stay wealthy by being careless with their money.

what world do yo live in bettyboo_x? seriouosly even if someone travels coach the plane tickets alone are extremely expensive! and expecially since we are in a recession its even worse!

#44 and #46 I agree that not all wealthy people are careless about money. it's not like a straight correlation. but would a person be such careless about a trip that cost significantly to their income? it's like one-way logical implication. being such careless implies that it's not important. being not important implies that it's insignificant. but not vice versa.

scorpioserpent 1

My round trip tickets to Europe via coach were cheap..only 750. But it is enough money that anyone should double check everything anyways. YDI

That may be cheap relative to a flight to Europe, but I'm certainly not calling it cheap. At any rate, I would not be able to afford it, and I'm not exactly poor.

Maybe she really is just that careless, even though it might still cost her a lot relative to her income? It is conceivable to me that she could have overlooked the month. It isn't much of a stretch for the imagination.

the point is that it was the type of thing the op would do all the time and they would have to be rich to afford that

You must be one of the rich ones too.

joseph smith was called a prophet dum dum dum dum dum

andlifesuxagain 0

HA ! One point for you... at least we prevented one dumb American from going to Europe, let the image healing begin. Although, it probably would have been better if she got stuck there, leaving less dumbasses on the road....DAMN!

Why this happened in my head, I don't know, but I read that to the tune of Old MacDonald... :/

Probably fake. Seriously, why don't people ever double check REALLY IMPORTANT pieces of information?

Why would you say probably fake, then "why don't people ever double check REALLY IMPORTANT pieces of information?" Even if you were being sarcastic that's practically contradicting yourself... >> Just saying... And besides, some people ARE that stupid.

Really??? I mean, what were the chances of that happening? Oh, wait! They were 1/365.25 chances. No one cares moron. STFU.

aceofspades6528 0

hey that's my birthday :) attention to detail my friend, attention to detail

Fake. The same FML was here only days ago - cept he was early not late.

...then it was not the same FML Sh*t for Brains.....

M13LO 0

YDI for not knowing your ABCs

i really hope that someone else booked the trip for you and miscommunicated the dates of the trip to you. Cause that would suck for you. But i still dont really see how you can mess something like that up

Congratulations on being a complete idiot, OP. You managed to drop the ball so completely that you probably should never have kids. You'll end up forgetting they're in the backseat while you're shopping at Wal-Mart and come back to some fried retards.

I smell a future Darwin Award recipient...