By theleague - 09/10/2010 04:15 - United States

Today, when I arrived at the airport for my international flight there was no record of my ticket in the system. Turns out the flight was yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 347
You deserved it 33 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments


what is yesterday but the day before's tomorrow?

El_Mero_Mero 0

today? no wait uhhh.... * head explode*

"What is yesterday, but the previous day's tomorrow?" Or, for the more poorly-read among us: "Yesterday was just the day before yesterday's tomorrow." There ya go. ;) It's a rhetorical question, y'all, demonstrating the subjectiveness of terms like "yesterday" and "tomorrow."

... "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?" is easier to understand, and frankly, is a little more practical of a phrase.

breenarae25 0

today is yesterdays tomorrow :)

shity. but seriously check the date on the ticket next time. or put it on a calendar or in your phone or something to help you remember next time

notice the posters name: 10/09/10. American Date= 9th of October Civilised World= 10th of September wait. I thought I was onto something. nevermind

I laugh if that was a free ticket you won off "the price is right"

This is unfortunate, but it is your fault for not double checking the date.

Jessi2487 0

how do u forget something as important as a flight? wow

claudiame 0

wow your great great great great grandfather was Mussolini. must make history class interesting. cool deal!

FAIL seriously it's not hard remembering an important date like idk ur flight departure