By SmellyLeg - 20/11/2017 15:00

Today, my bike slipped on ice and I slid spectacularly for several meters. While my helmet saved me from a cracked skull, nothing could protect me from landing leg-first in the dog poop somebody hadn't bothered to pick up. I had to go to school like that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 322
You deserved it 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This of course raises a very important question. Is this a shitty situation or a slippery situation?

Seriously, glad you were not injured. That leg could of easily landed wrong & broke. Actually, you can say that the shit broke your fall. Lucky you! :O)


Seriously, glad you were not injured. That leg could of easily landed wrong & broke. Actually, you can say that the shit broke your fall. Lucky you! :O)

exileonmainst 16

Oh man, that’s ruff. I guess you’re a bit melan-collie-c after that fall.

Sounds like a... Wait on it... Shih Tzu situation!

This of course raises a very important question. Is this a shitty situation or a slippery situation?

Uh-oh. Around here, the phrase “shitty situation” is about as acceptable as the n-word. Prepare to get reamed.

Or perhaps a slitty situation? Then again, that sounds like it could mean something different.

Lobby_Bee 17

In the event of ice and snow, please equip your bicycle with studded tires.

arioch_fml 20

Ouch, at least you have a way to break the ice with new people, assuming anyone will go near you.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Time to do a bathroom scrub down!

why not take a few extra minutes to go home and change. I'm sure everyone would like to not smell shit all day long.

Some things just are not taught in school.

Ohh, it got posted! I'm the op. To answer why I didn't go home and change - I only noticed when I had gotten to school and got out tissues to clean up some scratches with.... And by then, a certain level of wooziness didn't make biking home attractive at all. I got lucky though, since my fiance was visiting and brought me a change of clothes the next break. Still, I spent 90 minutes smelling of definitely-not-roses... Ah well. I wasn't injured badly and I learned to be a lot more careful in the winter, it could have been a lot worse. Your puns are awesome, btw. I love puns, so...