By theyre not THAT big. - 01/07/2013 04:35 - United States - Auburn

Today, I went to get new shoes. I'm a pretty tall girl and I have proportional feet. I asked the cute guy who worked there for a size 9.5. He burst into laughter before putting on a shocked face and saying, "Oh wait... You're serious." Goodbye, self esteem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 582
You deserved it 3 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

What a dick. Shove one of your shoes straight up his ass...

9.5 isn't even a huge size, I know of women with size 11 feet. Honestly, no one notices your feet, don't worry about it!


Hey OP, I'm 6'9" and always have to struggle with unwanted attention from other people and their stupidity. While it is nice to be tall, it sucks to tell 10 different people a day how tall I am and that I do not play basketball. Eventually only humor helps ... I am now being a troll and tell people I am 4'33" ... You should see their faces. Math is really hard :-) And you need to work on your punctuation ... I'm sure you should have written:" I'm a pretty, tall girl." :-)

graceinsheepwear 33

I am 5'8" with size 10 clodhoppers. Just laugh it off. Or tell him you've heard a man's shoe size relates to the size of his, er, manhood and it's a shame his isn't bigger. That'll shut him up.

Oh sweetie. I'm 5.6 with size 11 shoes. You aren't the problem. That dick would have lost my business.

Not Always Working and a strong letter to management.

Lili_love 14

9.5 isn't even bestie wears a 10 and my cousins wear like size 13 or something D: I was lucky enough to be 5'10 and wear a size 8.5 but 9.5 isn't that big. He is just a dick.

That's nothing. I knew a girl that was 5'6", 124 pounds, size 11 shoes.

One of the most beautiful women I know is a size 11. 6 feet tall, thin, extremely pretty. She makes my yearly salary in a month (I am a engineer with 18 years experience). She feels bad, BUT nobody has ever turned down her request for shoes (she does not hesitate to purchase $x,xxx shoes). Plus being a 6'3-6'4" beautiful blonde... yea.

Don't worry about him-he's stupid! I'm 5'9" and wear anywhere from 9-10. Ignore him, you're fine with your big feet (and probably long toes). ;)

if it makes you feel any better I'm five foeur and wear ten and a half and elevens

5'4" here, size 10 feet and I'd never had a problem finding shoes to fit nor does anyone care about my shoe size. That guy has serious issues, don't let your self esteem plummet because of a weirdo. 8.5 is as average as you can get. I still don't see the big deal about women having to have tiny feet either. An ugly little foot is much more unattractive than a well groomed big one.