Don't mention the helicopter parents!

By Anonymous - 27/04/2022 12:00

Today, I got an F because I’m an idiot and wrote my essay on WW1 instead of WW2. I offered to resubmit a correct essay, but my mom stormed to school to demand it be changed to at least a B, because it was a good essay, even if it was on the wrong war. God, she’s impossible and embarrassing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 944
You deserved it 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll bet she stormed the school like Archduke Ferdinand stormed the beaches of Normandy!

Advocating for a child is making sure they have what they need to learn. I advocate for my autistic child to make sure he’s getting all he needs at school (thankfully I try to be nice and his teacher and aide are wonderful.) Advocating doesn’t mean being a bloviating asshole.


I'll bet she stormed the school like Archduke Ferdinand stormed the beaches of Normandy!

Was that before or after Stalin dropped the atomic bomb on Verdun to end the trench warfare?

cpguru24 16

Mother goes an advocates for child. "god she's an embarrassment". First world problems.

Advocating for a child is making sure they have what they need to learn. I advocate for my autistic child to make sure he’s getting all he needs at school (thankfully I try to be nice and his teacher and aide are wonderful.) Advocating doesn’t mean being a bloviating asshole.

BoulderDashTank19141 6