By Bamamomma01 - 13/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I went to get my midterm essay grade thinking I couldn't have made lower than a B. Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F. He wrote "Best essay I read, would've been an A if it was the right topic." I wrote on the Industrial Revolution, instead of the Scientific Revolution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 821
You deserved it 87 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he's a douchebag because you can't read instructions?

shantoyamuchluv 0

You're too stupid to figure out the difference between the INDUSTRIAL revolution and the SCIENTIFIC revolution and you call your professor a douchebag? Sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black.


You don't read the instructions clearly enough and your calling the teacher a douche? Sounds like a stupid mistake on your own part. Even if the two subjects are similar.

Unless the class is graded on a curve, he should at least give you a chance to re-write, maybe with a condition that the highest you can get is a B. It isn't like you didn't try to do a good job. I hope this professor gets more sympathy than he gave you when (not if) he makes a mistake.

No sympathy. It's your mistake. You should've been paying more attention, especially since its your midterm..

I don't see why your professor is a douchebag because you're an idiot.

rayyrayray 0

You people are most likely all wrong. It's common to misread directions on exams when you are under so much stress. Both subjects happened at very close points is history. I'm sure it was an exam over a lot of ideas and they may have learned of both around the same time. So as they quickly read, they must have seen "Revolution" (This is only a theory). Although a lot of you are correct that the professor is not a douche bag, neither is the student. Next time you make a mistake, we'll all beat up on you. And they called their teacher a douche bag BEFORE they learned of their mistake, so how do you know how they felt after. Don't go around telling people off when you honestly have NO idea what you're even talking about. Give them a break, at least they can write, just maybe they will learn from their ALL of us.

The professor didn't do anything wrong so I don't see why you would call him a douchebag.

nicolequatt 0

your teacher isn't the douchebag, you're the douchbag. try paying attention and maybe you would've got the grade you deserve.

ohdanggFMLxx 0

I did the exact same thing on mine! That blows.

that the directions better next time??

WOW! Now I've ****** some things up before in school, even simple shit. But never have I wrote about the wrong topic!