By MerryChristmas - 15/07/2018 14:30 - United States - Moore

Today, I went to a Christmas-themed amusement park with my 21-year-old autistic sister who adores Christmas. She took her picture with Santa and started crying happy tears. Then Santa asked her loudly, "Aren't you beyond old enough to know I'm not real?" Vacation ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 747
You deserved it 447

Same thing different taste

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What a jerk. Did it not occur to him that there are adults with developmental disabilities who might like Santa?

He broke character?!?!?! I’m sure he went on to talk about Fight Club...


yourlifeisshit 18

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Zachary8261 28

What a jerk. Did it not occur to him that there are adults with developmental disabilities who might like Santa?

He broke character?!?!?! I’m sure he went on to talk about Fight Club...

Go see the movie “Fight Club” or, at least, Google the rules of Fight Club. It’ll make sense then.

Of course he's real. He's RIGHT THERE.

Yeah, you don't do that. And if he said it loudly, were there little kids nearby who also heard it? He might have ruined their fun and Christmas, too. I'd definitely report him.

This is why the fourth wall breaks should be left to Deadpool.

did you correct that dumb ****? on what he just did