By touche :/ - 07/07/2013 21:27 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, I went to a big job interview. Eventually, the guy subtly enquired about my political beliefs. He seemed pretty laid-back and cool, so I told him, at which point he just chuckled and told me to leave. When I threatened to report him, he just said, "Who're they gonna believe, you or me?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 750
You deserved it 8 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you really want to work for someone who cannot accept other peoples beliefs anyway?

Complain anyway. That's just not ******* cool. If he did it to you, he'll have done it to other people.


You should have sing l'internationale while leaving, you'd be a fckin working class hero !

Well, this isn't a personal matter. It's ******* work.

chocolatefrog28 29

Rule of thumb: I don't care how rational someone appears to be, never talk politics or religion with someone until you've spent some quality time with them.

Definitely wise. And even then--tread lightly.

skittycat213 19

Very true #16, this caused a big gap between a very close, long-time friend and myself about a decade ago. We're great friends again now, but politics be damned...

Especially never discuss personal info, even politics or religion, during a job interview. They're not even allowed to ask that stuff.

imtooshy 18

You must file a report as this may not be his first time behaving like this. Eventually, with enough reports, someone will realize how this pylon is conducting interviews. Sorry OP and good luck job hunting.

50:50 FYI and YDI. Politics and religion are two things to never talk about at work - money is another one. It seems like it was a trap and you walked into it. His reasons for dismissing you may very well have been due to the fact that you answered, regardless of the answer you gave. Anything other than "Sorry, but I don't feel that politics is something that should be discussed in the workplace" or similar only leads to trouble.

cmb8280 24

I think if that were the case, he would have explained that to her that that was the reason, instead of saying, "Who are they gonna believe, me or you?"

Actually, as an owner of a company I've been trained by my HR administrators that this is something you do NOT ask, even if it's a set up. You're just putting yourself at risk for a lawsuit. OP should report him, to the interviewers boss if he has one and to the NLRB. Enough complaints and that moron will find himself quickly on the other side of an interviewers desk.

good point. maybe that was a test he was using to see if people Will fall into the trap.

TheDrifter 23

Politics are not protected. Religion is off limits, certain politically charged views are off limits, but you can't be sued for asking your potential employees about their views on OSHA, unionism or legalizing marijuana, as those political topics are work related.

I despise religious intolerance. Some people can be so ignorant. Don't worry, OP. Someone will hire you for you!

That is bloody disgraceful. He should respect your beliefs no matter what they are. Even if they are Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist or Extreme Facism. YOU SHOULD NOT BE DENIED YOUR RIGHT.

toomanyidiots 14

Because genocidal tendencies are legitimate political beliefs???

I think his point is that there is no such thing as "legitimate" or "illegitimate" political beliefs when it comes to the legal right to work without discrimination.

toomanyidiots 14

If that were the case, individuals wouldn't be fired for (for example) being neo-nazis, i.e. not all "political beliefs" are protected by law. Or rather, "political beliefs" that involve the support of genocide are not legally recognized as political beliefs.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Never talk politics at work. OP should have said he's unbiased. I only talk politics with my friends as small talk. People take that shit wayyyy to serious.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

Well to be fair I wouldn't hire a member of the Sheep ****** Party either. Just because single-issue parties are never a good choice.

cmb8280 24

He sounds like a prick, odds are even if you had politely declined to answer he would've reacted the same way. Unless you already knew his affiliation ahead of time and lied to align yourself with him, it was a lose-lose situation.