By FANZZY - 18/08/2014 16:29 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I learned that when someone is choking you don't do the "hymen maneuver", you do the "heimlich maneuver". I was corrected by my girlfriend's parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 263
You deserved it 16 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could do the hymen maneuver... But I'd try saving them first.

I feel that would make a good pickup line... "Hey baby, I'm trained in CPR. Want me to show you the hymen maneuver?"


Well you could do the hymen maneuver... But I'd try saving them first.

The hymen maneuver is probably what you'd perform on the girlfriend. Don't forget the swirl.

drunkmunkey 24

and make sure you get consent first, otherwise you're just creepy

But is HAS to be a counterockwise swirl. Or it ruins the move.

christi_im21 12

I feel that would make a good pickup line... "Hey baby, I'm trained in CPR. Want me to show you the hymen maneuver?"

I fear performing CPR on a choking victim would only worsen the situation!

"I can resuscitate you after you're done choking. ;)"

#3 Pick up line, yes. Good pick up line, not so much.

#8, on the contrary. I'm a 911 dispatcher and we are trained on how to instruct people to do chest compressions properly on choking victims. Obviously getting the lodged object out is the first effort, however, if that's not possible chest compressions are instructed because it helps keep blood flowing to the heart and sometimes can actually help dislodge the object.

Well, i hope you weren't trying to make a good impression... also hope they had a good sense of humor about the mix up.

Ya, this could either be a really funny situation that they all laughed about, or a super awkward one if the parents found it rude or something! Wonder which way it went for OP?

I think the parents were definitely better off than OP on this one...

Is the hymen maneuver the complete opposit of the heimlich maneuver..?

I'm sure it involves dancing.. horizontally

Either way you're pumping in and out until it pops out.

Remember ones for going in and ones for going out!

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HJKM_fml 19

Hopefully they were nice about it. I get that it can be embarrassing when you slip up like that especially when you're trying so hard to impress but, hey, at least you know now and can avoid potentially awkward situations from here on out.

If she's a virgin who likes to play hard, I guess you could do the hymen maneuver when she's choking.