By StephLo - 18/08/2014 21:25 - United States - San Francisco
StephLo_fml tells us more.
No windshield damage that I could see, just sort of startling that she would throw a coin two lanes away during heavy traffic -___-
Top comments
If you are sadistic enough OP, you could find the lady and have her drawn and quartered.
... um... that's enough internet for one day
I would have parked my car near him. And keep shooting at him with quarters
Well that escalated quickly.
Well clearly a homeless guy outsmarted a car owner and caused more damaged on another car owner for not giving a quarter :P
damage * :p
By the sounds of it, it seems like she damaged your windshield. I hope that's not the case though. But I have to admit that is a clever sign, I now know what to do if I ever become homeless.
Actually, its not, if you think about it. He BET him he couldnt hit him with a quarter, just say, "I bet you a quarter that I can!" Easy win :D
Nice theory. I thought she drove away embarrassed because she idiotically fell for the homeless guy's ploy. I'd be embarrassed, too.
She drove away because she hit the guys windshield with a quarter
That man is genius! Taking advantage of the idiots who actually try and throw quarters
I know! It's an ideal and creative way to get money from suckers willing to try and hit him.
Sounds like it'd be really painful if someone managed to hit you with a quarter though. is the risk really worth it?
@20 your health. On a side note, if he really were a "genius" then he probably wouldn't be homeless.
seriously? being a genius does not mean you'll never be homeless, circumstances always change. you can be a genius artist or musician and still be homeless.
i was friends with some one who did that in high school during lunch just so he could buy a sandwich, he walked around the cafeteria with a sign that said "I bet you can't hit me with a quarter," it seemed really stupid but it was pretty effective, in the end he ended up with several sandwiches and not just one, it was pretty funny watching people throw coins at him, although they missed a lot, :)
We need to invent a change launcher.... God, what am I saying?!?
you are answering that homeless mans prayers
At least he was being creative about asking for money, unlike some who just hold up a sign saying they need money.
Hopefully it didn't do much damage.
Did it damage your windshield or were your feelings just hurt? It's unlikely she threw it at such velocity to damage your sturdy windshield.
it wouldn't take much to put a chip in the windscreen, to properly break it on the other hand, is not easy
Lol! Guess who's 25 cents richer!?
The homeless guy who probably kept the quarter.
She didn't even have the decency to apologize? What a bitch

If you are sadistic enough OP, you could find the lady and have her drawn and quartered.
By the sounds of it, it seems like she damaged your windshield. I hope that's not the case though. But I have to admit that is a clever sign, I now know what to do if I ever become homeless.