By driezal - 14/06/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, I went out with a group of friends. I hadn't gone out in a few months since my fiancé left me. They promised me there wouldn't be drinking and would just be video game stuff. By 10pm, everyone was wasted, I got thrown up on and I had to walk home fifteen blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 141
You deserved it 5 488

driezal tells us more.

To all those that commented: "Why didn't you drink too? Party pooper!" Actually, I'm allergic to alcohol. I did have one drink, but anymore than that and my body starts to go into shock. Then it's a lovely trip to the hospital. Yep, I know, such a party pooper, eh? Thanks for the nice comments though. You guys get karma points.

Top comments

zfchatroulette 24

I think it's funny that although you already posted this comment, people are still going on about how they think you deserved it because you didn't drink. Sorry OP, this website is full of assholes.

Jessaly_fml 0

NEVER BELIEVE FRIENDS. At least not when it comes to large groups.


amatayo 0

Everyone I know what "&" means but while moderating I see "&" and "amp" placed together. But when it's posted the "amp" is taken off so that is why I say never mind

NoNameAtAll_fml 1

Video game stuff? Wtf do somthing else

fangsupKELS 0

Wow, so because some of don't like the idea of getting drunk-that means we're party poopers? Personally I like to //remember// what I did last night. Anyone who needs alchohol to have fun has some issues inmyopinion. Op- that sucks :(

It probably just happened, but you weren't to happy about it.

@indigokitty Do you know how hard it is to find a reliable, trustworthy friend? It's not a job where people come and give you applications. I knew someone whose "friends" let him die. I've had one person in my life I considered close. We're no longer close. I moved. In general I find the best way to go about life is not to trust anyone.

netbeui435 3
IndigoKitty 3

25: as your quotes around "friends" proves, what i'm trying to say is friend isn't a term you use for people that you don't trust. i refer to anyone i don't place 100% trust in as just a mate. and i don't have best friends, because "oh well, you're my friend, but soandso is a better one, so they're my best friend" is just silly.

justmyluck1212 0

I always said that drinking brought the best out of ppl

MONTHS?! Move the **** on, you boring loser.

voveraite 7

@30: $%^%$ you! How does anyone know how deep OP's feelings have been, how meaningful the ended relationship was for them? Who is to call them "loser" or "pussy"? OP, whilst it's a bit extreme to say "get new friends", what they did was really inconsiderate. There is nothing wrong with being a teetotaler or just not drinking sometimes! Perhaps when this cools off you could politely tell the closest of them you're a bit disappointed?