By driezal - 14/06/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, I went out with a group of friends. I hadn't gone out in a few months since my fiancé left me. They promised me there wouldn't be drinking and would just be video game stuff. By 10pm, everyone was wasted, I got thrown up on and I had to walk home fifteen blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 141
You deserved it 5 488

driezal tells us more.

To all those that commented: "Why didn't you drink too? Party pooper!" Actually, I'm allergic to alcohol. I did have one drink, but anymore than that and my body starts to go into shock. Then it's a lovely trip to the hospital. Yep, I know, such a party pooper, eh? Thanks for the nice comments though. You guys get karma points.

Top comments

zfchatroulette 24

I think it's funny that although you already posted this comment, people are still going on about how they think you deserved it because you didn't drink. Sorry OP, this website is full of assholes.

Jessaly_fml 0

NEVER BELIEVE FRIENDS. At least not when it comes to large groups.


Wow, i agree with the first comment bout large groups of friends. Its better to have a couple of close trustworthy ones. I've had a large group of friends bash me and completely badmouth me, all together and take sides. But the close ones remained loyal.

Didnt u see that coming??? You should have left when they bought the first drink! YDI

IndigoKitty 3

there's nothing wrong with going out drinking, but getting completely off your face is just stupid. you end up doing something embarassing, throwing up, and feeling like shit the next day. and they should have been a lot more considerate, i know if that happened to me, the last thing i'd want to do is go out partying. you need friends that are going to really be there for you.

I am sorry! That really really sucks about your fiancé and your friends doing that to you. I hope that things will get better in time.

muffinsareyummy 1

Can you really blame them for wanting to have a good time, though? I mean, seriously. What kind of group of adults sit around and play video games for fun when there's corona's in the fridge and fresh limes on the counter? Truthfully, you could of loosened up and had some fun. You could of had a drink or two. I'm not saying drown your sorrows in corona or anything, but you've got to make an effort at getting over your douche of a fiance.

Sorry but just because your personal circle of adults doesn't include those who play video games for fun with each other and maybe don't drink recreationally as well doesn't mean that we don't exist. Not everyone requires alcohol or drugs or anything of that nature to loosen up and have fun. It is fine if you do but it doesn't make it the be all end all either.

kellster 2

You need to get some new friends, dear.

funsize003 0

awh well I guess they're not true friends huh? I feel your pain, I've been dealing with a lot of that lately in my life as well. move on from them, you deserve better, and you can find better. friends should be respectful of your feelings.

D: Aww. Well at least you got some exercise?

Always have your own things available to you. Your own house, car, money .. everything. That way, you'll never have to depend on another person. People are guaranteed to let you down. YDI for surrounding yourself with classless people. You needed this lesson.

FYL but you could have made your point about the not drinking thing earlier in the 'party' and left before you got puked on. and to all those trash talking my favorite legal drug, i've yet to find something can't be more fun, by adding alcohol.