By driezal - 14/06/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, I went out with a group of friends. I hadn't gone out in a few months since my fiancé left me. They promised me there wouldn't be drinking and would just be video game stuff. By 10pm, everyone was wasted, I got thrown up on and I had to walk home fifteen blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 141
You deserved it 5 488

driezal tells us more.

To all those that commented: "Why didn't you drink too? Party pooper!" Actually, I'm allergic to alcohol. I did have one drink, but anymore than that and my body starts to go into shock. Then it's a lovely trip to the hospital. Yep, I know, such a party pooper, eh? Thanks for the nice comments though. You guys get karma points.

Top comments

zfchatroulette 24

I think it's funny that although you already posted this comment, people are still going on about how they think you deserved it because you didn't drink. Sorry OP, this website is full of assholes.

Jessaly_fml 0

NEVER BELIEVE FRIENDS. At least not when it comes to large groups.


Chaith 16

#58 Is your whole existence just an excuse to rationalize why your life is so horrible? Karma points for us all for thinking your choices are the problem. My fiancé left me, my friends are liars, they made me walk home, I have an inexplicable allergy to, uhh, alcohol. People aren't stupid, anyone can see through your 'poor me' act. You're just another dead and dried up person that hates his life. Get real, and maybe a woman or some decent friends will happen into your life. Just get off the defensive and do something about it...

carrie84 0

Your further comment makes you sound like a right emo, you're going to have to accept that other people are going to drink to have a good time. Find an alternative for yourself? It's been months so it's time you dusted yourself off and actually started doing stuff again and not taking everything to heart so much.

Cittenscollar 0

64 - It's very possible to be allergic to alcohol. There are many people out there who are. I also love how you imply that her choice to not get drunk is a PROBLEM... OP - Friends can suck like that sometimes. If this is a common theme in the friendship, time to dump them.

I think its funny that almost all of you boring people think that drinking automatically = being "shitfaced". It is actually possible to drink responsibly. Try it. And quit bitching, no wonder you got left.

Of you're allergic to alcohol you should have put it in the FML. It would make your life sound more ****** and you would just sound like a loser rather than a party pooper.

#7 is completely clueless about what this FML is even about.

first of all if they always seemed to drink before duh, secondly you could have chosen not to drink or been prepared with cab money even in case they failed the no drinking thing and you failed too...

#32 You're 15 years old. You and your friends still have a long way to go. Wow, you've known once since kindergarten and another since the 4th grade! Well, nevermind. You HAVE been through a ton.