By driezal - 14/06/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, I went out with a group of friends. I hadn't gone out in a few months since my fiancé left me. They promised me there wouldn't be drinking and would just be video game stuff. By 10pm, everyone was wasted, I got thrown up on and I had to walk home fifteen blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 141
You deserved it 5 488

driezal tells us more.

To all those that commented: "Why didn't you drink too? Party pooper!" Actually, I'm allergic to alcohol. I did have one drink, but anymore than that and my body starts to go into shock. Then it's a lovely trip to the hospital. Yep, I know, such a party pooper, eh? Thanks for the nice comments though. You guys get karma points.

Top comments

zfchatroulette 24

I think it's funny that although you already posted this comment, people are still going on about how they think you deserved it because you didn't drink. Sorry OP, this website is full of assholes.

Jessaly_fml 0

NEVER BELIEVE FRIENDS. At least not when it comes to large groups.


#26 your going to die if you think you can trust them THAT much. unless your friends with liam neeson.

mehwhateverr 0

jackasses. :( i'm sorry. fyl.

Dreika 0

Recently had a similar expereince...and those inconsiderate low lives are no longer my friends. You should consider dropping those people and finding people with upstanding values. You are too good for that.

Why did you not drink? Has nobody ever told you that drinking is the best - no, the ONLY - way to cure the feeling you get after a breakup?

get over it, someone pagged on you it isnt the end of the world, u shoulda just got smashed aswell ur friends were only trying to have a good time

i can't stand drunkards... when i turn 21 you won't be able to CONVINCE me to get a drink,

ozymandias_fml 0

So.. is the OP a female expecting friends to play video games, who got alcoholics instead, a gay man, or a retard that does not know the difference between fiance and fiancee?

YDI for being a ****** McGinestein. Its been a few MONTHS, suck it up.

lolzforfun228 3

if the following has happened to you tell me because it sure as hell hasn't happened to me: You go out with your friends and at the end everyone is sober.

OP...can't drink eh? Well...there's always Ecstasy!