By lifsabtch - 06/01/2013 17:24

Today, I went out to meet a wonderful woman I'd chatted with online. I did have a few fears about if she was really just some guy trying to make a fool out of me. When I met her, she really was a girl, and was happy to see me. Problem: she was actually 13. I'm 34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 423
You deserved it 8 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That girl is very lucky you weren't a pedophile. Shame on her for acting older than she was and meeting you, something terrible could have happened to her.


But it wasn't until this generation when YOLO became popular, duck faces were 'attractive', etc. While all generations do have their negatives, I would take the 90's over this shit any day.

omgpenguin 1

Shortly after meeting her did you hear "hi i'm chris hansen"?

White_like_dat 3

And that's "How I Met Your Mother".....

68 While yes the stuff is different you have to imagine the reaction is the same.. The hatred, scorn, disapproval..

38 Even if 14 is the age of consent, that would be under 18.. Only way I can think of a potential way around the federal law of 18 is if she is emancipated at 16 or 17. Could a lawyer come on here an confirm or deny this for me?


Good luck explaing that to the parents

am1996 6
ecope1989 3
ecope1989 3

I call that bad parenting. A 13 year old shouldn't have access to any online dating sites or what not.