By lifsabtch - 06/01/2013 17:24

Today, I went out to meet a wonderful woman I'd chatted with online. I did have a few fears about if she was really just some guy trying to make a fool out of me. When I met her, she really was a girl, and was happy to see me. Problem: she was actually 13. I'm 34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 423
You deserved it 8 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That girl is very lucky you weren't a pedophile. Shame on her for acting older than she was and meeting you, something terrible could have happened to her.


Have you ever seen Hard Candy? Watch your back OP!

Want to just take a seat? Who were you meeting here? I'm Chris Hansen, we're doing a story...

Go ahead and have a seat over there....

jonsey974 3

I am very disappointed that a Chris Hansen joke was not the first thing that got posted on here.

13yo came. Sounds great. So which part is FYL on OP? Uh-huh?

LOL, that's pretty funny. @#1 probably both.

missL1z 5

Next episode for "To catch a predator"!