By lifsabtch - 06/01/2013 17:24

Today, I went out to meet a wonderful woman I'd chatted with online. I did have a few fears about if she was really just some guy trying to make a fool out of me. When I met her, she really was a girl, and was happy to see me. Problem: she was actually 13. I'm 34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 423
You deserved it 8 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That girl is very lucky you weren't a pedophile. Shame on her for acting older than she was and meeting you, something terrible could have happened to her.


Am I the only one here that noticed that there is a SIGNIFICANT personality difference between a 13 and 3o year old? How OP missed that is beyond me, but maybe that just says something about his taste in women..

ravenevercross 19

Sorry, but that's wrong. I know plenty of people in their 30s who most people would swear are in their teens. Same thing with children. Some children grow up differently and mature much earlier than others. As such, some of them wi sound like they are much older than they actually are, which is probably the case in this situation since OP wasn't happy he met a 13 yr old. FYL OP. I wish she was as old as you thought an things went right for you. Good luck.

Age is but a number. Until you go to court. Then it's just rape.

15 will get you 20 (years in jail, that is).

Is Claire Quilty somehow involved in this mess?

Lurking in the background somewhere, no doubt. Probably disguised as Chris Hansen's cameraman.

"Hello, My name is Chris Hanson from Dateline NBC..."

perdix 29

It must suck that you are physically 34 while you are emotionally 13. By my calculations, when you become an adult emotionally, your body with throw in an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction. You get a draft card and a prescription for Viagra on the same day!

The logical thing to do would be to inform her parents that she's doing this, but be careful. A friend of mine was in a similar situation and the girl's parents reacted by bringing him up on statutory rape charges and wanting him labeled a child predator. Good luck, buddy.

I say talk to a lawyer first. Going to her parents first might be a mistake.

You should have called her parents u could save her life. At least report her to the police before she falls prey to a pedofile