By Carlos Cervantes_1981647997 - 08/08/2019 06:00

Today, like any other day, I look just like Kim Jung-un. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 522
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you rather be just like his half-brother, Kim Jong-nam ... deceased? Perhaps it's time then to change your hair-style drastically. :-) How about a purple mohawk?! :D


Would you rather be just like his half-brother, Kim Jong-nam ... deceased? Perhaps it's time then to change your hair-style drastically. :-) How about a purple mohawk?! :D

TexanSpud 12

We need to respect this man’s authoritah

Logan Mueth 3

The good news is you can probably hang out at Mar-a-Lago anytime you want!

That’s an opportunity. Try to get work as an actor! He’s a very well-known person (good or bad) surely someone will want to hire you!

then do something about it instead of complaining. just an idea