It's not the size that counts

By Leo Scofield - 29/08/2020 02:00

Today, I came home to find out my roommate had sex in my bed, because he didn't want his date to know he has a smaller bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 038
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cum on his bed in retaliation, it would only be fair

Can you blame him? Lots of guys are worried about size. Wait until his date finds out that it's you that really has the big one.


Can you blame him? Lots of guys are worried about size. Wait until his date finds out that it's you that really has the big one.

Sherry_Cherry_ 2

I like big beds to sleep in... By myself 😉

And you like to have sex on an army cot just for the challenge?

cum on his bed in retaliation, it would only be fair

bombdeecee 4