Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

By TrashlifeKaylala - 10/07/2019 00:01

Today, my father once again sat me and my boyfriend of a year down to have another "talk." These "talks" are always something negative against our relationship, and how it’s not up to his standards. We’ve explained numerous times why he’s wrong. My father is about to make me single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 864
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blu blunt 0

he's not the one In the relationship, if you are into it or happy that's all that matters. let him know it's a new generation

thehaystackerine 20

without any details, how are we to know if he has unreasonably expectations, or if you're love is blind to something that he sees, that you cant.


blu blunt 0

he's not the one In the relationship, if you are into it or happy that's all that matters. let him know it's a new generation

thehaystackerine 20

without any details, how are we to know if he has unreasonably expectations, or if you're love is blind to something that he sees, that you cant.

If it's always something bad, just don't sit down for his talks and go do something else?

WeirdUS 29

Really hard to tell if he’s being realistic and you guys aren’t or if he’s just being a controlling ass . You haven’t given enough info.

Maybe that’s his goal? Or maybe he sees warning signs that you are missing and/or defending and he’s trying to protect you. Either way, if you are under 18 or still living at home, he’s going to interfere. If you these are happening on visits, politely excuse yourself and leave if it’s putting a strain on your relationship. Or have your boyfriend do so.

Here is an idea: why don't you stop the "talks"? No one forces you to sit and listen to your father lecturing you.

Sometimes, our parents see something that we can't or don't want to see. If your dad is this persistent about the issues he sees, then there may be some validity to his concerns, particularly if they are on major issues. If the concerns are smaller things or those that have already been spoken to and resolved though, you may need to take a firmer stance and remind him that while you appreciate that he cares, the relationship is between you and your boyfriend.

I'm very confused by this. what does that even mean? that hes not happy about what goes on between you and your boyfriend? how would he even know?

Are you both over the age of 18? Then say "welp dad we don't need another talk, we're adults, leave us alone". And stand your ground.