By sarahh38 - 16/09/2009 18:23 - Canada

Today, I went on a blind date. We had agreed on meeting in front of a park. Thinking I was there first, I texted her "I'm already there, sitting next to the fat chick." I heard a beep. SHE was the "fat chick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 166
You deserved it 105 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if that wasn't her, did you think insulting somebody would make you look cool?

You're an ass. Even if she wasn't fat, she probably would have found that offensive. You should've just told her that you were there. If you weren't attracted to her, you aren't obligated to make a second date but you don't have to be rude.


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FML_Add1cT 0

thats retarded, fat people are nasty as shit

wazdog 4

Why are people saying the poster is mean by mentioning the girl is fat? He was just making it easier for his date to find him. Isn't "fat" just a description of a person's weight? It's the sensitive people who make "fat" an offensive word.

If the OP is saying it's an FML, it's because he is obviously giving the word "fat" an offensive meaning. Perhaps you shouldn't act as being naive..

Fat is not attractive. Don't say that just so fat people can feel good about themselve. They are ugly, but the good news is, they can do something about it :)

That's hilarious that all these people are getting downvoted by fatties for telling the truth. No, being overweight or obese is not attractive in the least, it makes you look like you don't care about your health or appearance, and it makes you look lazy too.

well you must go to school in the south you chubby chaser

thats not nessesarily true. And you could have chosen some better words to say that. As one of those "fatties" you so eloquently mention, it takes me a lot more time to lose weight than most people. I have to work a lot harder than most. And some of these girls may have a biological disorder that causes them to naturally gain weight. And of course, some could just plain be happy and proud of who they are. Just choose your words a little better next time, mm'kay, pumpkin?

RKftw 0

fat people are unattractive. you just go to a school with fat people and have nothing else to choose from

This isn't an FML. It is actually a good thing because he didn't have to sit through a date with someone who he doesn't find attractive. And I agree with everyone else who says fat people aren't attractive. It is disgusting and if you do think it's attractive, than you have an awful fettish. Fat people are the one group of people that it is okay to make fun of based on their appearence because they choose to be fat ( except for a really small minority of people with medical conditions ).

peaceSUCKAh 0

yeah haven't you guys ever seen Shallow Hal

PatRme 9

yeah, like me. people, when you make fun of other, people, wether it be their weight or whatever, it makes you sound so immature. lots more immature than fat people

PatRme 9

im sure he could've just said, "im sitting next to the girl on the bench.". and the way that he, ya know, put this in this websight shows that said it in an offensive way

starberries 0

She actually wasn't, but that's a popular myth.

celiiceegee 6

Which is now an equivalent to a size 4

To all the people saying "Fat is gross" or "Fat is ugly" you're idiots.. People can be fat and pretty.

Shut up asshole. Why don't u try being fat! Some people struggle.

#341 sweetheart no one deserves to be made fun of. doesn't matter if it was their fault or not, plus how would you know which of those 'fat' people have a condition that makes them fat. so please consider not being a ******* dick for once in your life and live by the words of Ellen degeneres and " be kind to one another" because doing that won't actually kill you or make anyone else want to kill themselves

haha bad luck, feel bad for her. Obviously YDI

Michael_92 20

Wow are you serious? That quick to judge a person...what a idiot.

kirbz 0

NEVER go in blind dates :P bad things happen

Even if that wasn't her, did you think insulting somebody would make you look cool?

alex_vik 0

He was just letting his date know what landmark he was closest to.

You're an ass. Even if she wasn't fat, she probably would have found that offensive. You should've just told her that you were there. If you weren't attracted to her, you aren't obligated to make a second date but you don't have to be rude.

gigi37 0

would you rather have him sit on the floor? what if they were meeting on the bench?

How could he possibly sit IN the bench. Explain to me.........

thisishilarious 0

#2 is a fat chick and its ok man, it was a blind date. **** that waste of time and go get hammered for half what the manatees meal woulda cost you