By Anonymous - 02/01/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I realized that the only part of my body that has had a reduction in size from changing my diet and working out isn't my stomach or my thighs but my already undersized breasts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 3 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep on working out! It'll all work out in the end and you will start losing fat in other places too! You might want to change up your workout to target the places you want to lose weight in.

Yeah, it happens. One of the first places girls lose weight is there, because it's almost nothing but fat anyway. But if you keep going, the rest of your body eventually catches up anyway.


Keep on working out! It'll all work out in the end and you will start losing fat in other places too! You might want to change up your workout to target the places you want to lose weight in.

Hey, why was my comment Buried? All it said was this: Too many negative votes, comment buried. Hide the comment. Keep on working out! It'll all work out in the end and you will start losing fat in other places too! You might want to change up your workout to target the places you want to lose weight in. #1 - On 01/02/2010 at 6:13am by Starfire22 - reply Meanies! :D

You can not spot train fat. You can make the muscles under the fat larger or more toned, an example would be if you do 1000 calories worth of ab crunches or 1000 calories worth of running, the fat loss will be the to the same zones regardless, only the muscles underneath will improve. Generally you lose fat first from the last place you gained it. If you always had a bubble but but just recently gained a large ponch the ponch will 90% of the time go first.

Yea, but if you build up the muscles in, say, your abs, wouldn't you be more likley to lose fat there? I'm not saying that you won't lose weight in other places also, but I was always told the muscle burns fat. While I agree that you can't just expect to lose weight in only one area, I always thought if you try to do more excersises that target these areas, you have a better chance in losing weight in these areas. I mean, I could be wrong, I'm not a expert on the subject.

you do cardio to burn the fat, and strength-training to build the muscle underneath. one doesn't lead to the other. if you just do a bunch of sit-ups, you'll end up with rock-hard abs underneath a beer gut.

Flutist 3

I'm not surprised you lost weight in your breasts. If they were undersized in the first place and you lost weight, they are just going back to the size they would have been had you not gained the weight. For me, the first place I lost weight was the breasts as well. It is also noticeable in the face. I would recommend using measuring tape to measure your belly, thighs and breasts and keep one of those diet books with your calorie intake and daily weight. Muscle weighs three times the amount as fat, so you might lose hope in the very beginning, but when you measure you might be surprised that you have lost more weight in more than your breasts.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to target a certain part of your body for weight loss–the weight comes off everywhere. If the OP keeps losing weight, she'll just end up flat-chested with the same proportions she had before the diet (and I would know, this happened to me). There's really nothing you can do except stop dieting!

Well if it really bothers you op, after you lose all the weight you want to, get breast implants. If it's going to make you feel bad having smaller breasts, you can change it...

Ox_Baker 0

This is almost word-for-word the same FML that was up a year ago.

mangoboy1 19

Eventually she will lose fat from other areas and things will even out.If she wants she can do exercises for her chest that will make her boobs look bigger atleast with a shirt or bra on because the boobs get pushed out a little I think.Im not sure, I don't know much about training for women.

It may demotivate you when getting unexpected and unwanted results, but keep going at it. You'll get where you want to be eventually!

newsgit 0

yeah, I've always thought all boobs=good boobs. :D

v1kt4r 13

there is such a thing as undersized and believe me its a sad story

Sun_Kissed18 25

Undersized is probably determined by the proportions of the girl. Like a smaller girl with a C cup is on the larger side, while a tall hippy girl with C cups might be a little small.

mylittlecrow 0

This actually made me laugh XD

As if getting laid these days aren't hard enough.... without the help of a stripper.

Yeah, it happens. One of the first places girls lose weight is there, because it's almost nothing but fat anyway. But if you keep going, the rest of your body eventually catches up anyway.

I've had that happen before. It sucks, but eventually the rest will catch up. You can do it! Just think, this means you're losing fat and therefore doing things right! =)

The neck and breasts are the places that are the first to get smaller, but the others do to, just lil later

Depend on your body shape. Some women lose their hips/thighs first and can never be really thin on their upper body.

sweetbiotch88 0

lucky , my booobs are like way to big for me, but i'm way too skinny. it's giving me back problems

maybe you should do whatever excersizes op is doing.... :D

boatkicker 4

Reduction? Certain health insurance companies will cover it, and its got a fairly short recovery time. Back problems suck.

Flutist 3

Sounds like a heavy burden to bear. My friend Elle had the same problem. She was a twig, no hips to speak of and she had the boobs of Dolly Parton. IT was WEIRD. She got a reduction. It is working out nicely for her. It didn't really hurt all that much (so she said) and her back problems stopped within a month or so of getting it.

PrincessofLa 0

That's what you get for having small **** to begin with. IMPLANTS BITCH!

implants are d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g and small boobs rule! they stay nice and perky even in the elder years, they don't cause back problems, and you can go out without a bra if you so choose, which lots of men find really hot. i felt sad about my small boobs for a while, and then i got my nipples pierced and now i love them!

Is that so? Well why don't you just gallop away on your high horse, dear? And be sure to take your sleazy nipple piercings with you.

Flutist 3

Do you also love dancing naked on stage and sliding down poles? Wow, Op, don't worry because if you lose all hope you can pierce things and the pain and subsequent loss of feeling in your nipples will make up for the loss of breastage.