By Anonymous - 25/09/2016 11:22 - United States - Hills

Today, I went downstairs completely naked to get water, completely forgetting that my daughter had a sleepover and they were in the living room. The ice dispenser woke some of them up, including my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 198
You deserved it 13 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lizzy500 16

There's a thing called a bathrobe, might want to get one and hang it on the back of your bedroom door. I'm no prude and sleeping nekkid is fine, but if you've got kids and they're old enough for sleep overs, they probably are old enough to be uncomfortable with parental nudity.

If you think you feel bad about that, believe me, your daughter feels 100 times worse.


If you think you feel bad about that, believe me, your daughter feels 100 times worse.

You have at least one kid, why are you walking around naked at all? I understand some people may be okay with nudity and naturists etc, but there's a certain age where you need to show modesty around your kids. Put some clothes on man.

Who are you to tell them how to treat nudity in their household? We're not all terrified of our biology.

Lizzy500 16

There's a thing called a bathrobe, might want to get one and hang it on the back of your bedroom door. I'm no prude and sleeping nekkid is fine, but if you've got kids and they're old enough for sleep overs, they probably are old enough to be uncomfortable with parental nudity.

Agreed! For 20 bucks you can save your kids from nightmares... its too late for me though.

While I understand the whole "Your house, your rules" deal that some are inevitably going to state, there's a major problem with this. You have at least one kid, and a daughter at that. That alone says you should be at least sufficiently covered. No kid wants to see their parents naked, no matter how "natural" it is. You are supposed to be a civilized, mindful person. Sorry but I have to say you deserve it and I pity the kids who have to live with that memory. You better hope DCF doesn't get wind of this.

Now, you've got a reason why you should put some clothes before go out a bedroom.

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Being ok with nudity doesn't make it ok to expose other people's children to it.

You must save a fortune on clothes if you think there's nothing wrong being naked

you must not have kids... or common decency

Exactly, I have too! So I am used to it and I'm about to be 18. The person who posted this clearly said they forgot that their daughter had a sleepover, for the people who said they shouldn't expose their kids friends. I at least hope this parent isn't the dad.

You sir just scarred little girls for life.... Dumbass

sonic117 9

What the absolute **** is wrong with you?

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Sharp enough to not walk downstairs naked when there are other people in the house, yes. As are most civilised humans. You don't have to completely get dressed, just at least a bathrobe or underwear.

If my daughter came home and told me she saw soandso's daddy naked, you can bet your bottom dollar she would not be going back to your house, EVER.

Same with my son! At the VERY least, he wouldn't be allowed back. In which case, the offending parent should consider themselves damn lucky.

(Tried to edit this into above post).... I WOULD find out context of the incident and intent of the parent, though.

These kids will never get to see "The Ice Man Cometh" without having flashbacks of you!