By mrricecakes - 23/03/2012 05:55 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I went down on my girlfriend for the first time. Let's just say pubes and toilet paper residue were the least of my problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 393
You deserved it 5 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have used charmen toilet paper, no little white pieces left behind

frozenfreeze 5

They were the least of your problems?...Were there dragons and dead rats down there too?


tiffylovesaubree 0

That must have been traumatizing to u. sounds to me that she needs to take a shower

I threw up 10 times last nite starting at 11:30! This ALMOST made that 11

pinkpixie06 11

She may be a perfectly clean girl but that's just nasty. If she hadn't showered/bathed beforehand she should have declined!

jerry9688 0

Haha looks like she unleashed the kraken.

I threw up in my mouth a bit :X And the least of you problem??? I'm scared to know What the worst part is .__. Hope you'll talk to her about it and strongly encourage her to have a better hygiene >.<

captainriz 1

and that's why girls should ALWAYS shave. makes everything so much cleaner.

ReaganARoo 0
righound 0

You know what they say..once you get past the smell you got er licked!!

ManicGypsy 22

Kinda sad that those were the least of the problems. Wondering if blood was a problem in that one, lol.