By threw my underwear out too - 03/12/2017 00:00 - United States - Hyde Park

Today, my girlfriend and I took a walk on the beach at night. We were completely alone, so she started blowing me. It was great for the first five minutes, but she had just eaten dinner and (apparently) wasn't feeling great. I ended the night in the shower picking vomit out of my pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 894
You deserved it 1 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should've just rinsed off in the ocean.

Yeah I don't know why he didn't either. He'd be walking home with wet pants either way. Except his way left him with clothes covered and smelling like vomit that he'd have sitting in his home until it was washed properly.

Oh, that’s the explanation? It’s more likely that your dick tastes nasty! On nights I think there might be some action, I put a few boiled cabbage leaves down my pants. Haven’t had any complaints ... or second dates for that matter.

Five whole minutes and neither of you had a clue that she didn't feel well? Was she somehow obligated to provide you with this service in return for a sub-standard meal, which may have led to her gastronomic expulsion? Or perhaps your personal hygiene is so lacking as to have elicited such a response. Another option is that you're an inconsiderate man who chose to hold her head and ignore her signals then blame her for blowing chunks and not you.

Lobby_Bee 17

Shouldn't do any strainuous exercise directly after dinner.

manb91uk 22

You’re supposed to blow into her mouth, not the other way around! Who re you, Jon Snow or something?!

She should have stopped when she started feeling sick. Either dinner didn't agree with her or something triggered her gag reflex too soon after eating.

neuronerd 28

Gag reflexes are a thing. This can happen if either of you aren't aware of her limits. Just wash it off and take it as a lesson for the future. Also, this happened because she was focused on your pleasure, don't make her feel bad for it.