By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 06:45 - United States

Today, I was working in a restaurant. I stopped to pick up some silverware a customer dropped. Apparently my belt wasn't tight enough because a woman behind me immediately hurled in disgust. On top of being found revolting, I'm now in trouble for "flashing" someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 465
You deserved it 7 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so she saw your ass crack and then got sick because of it? she really needs to get a life or some pepto bismal or something...

aww. pull up your pants it's not the belts fault


"today I was eating lunch when I saw this waiters hairy ass crack n hurled..fml"

eddy199427 2

HA!! yea I would too I mean that says ur Fat cuz if u had a nice body then lady wouldn't care >_>

aww. pull up your pants it's not the belts fault

22cute 17

Really, how is this not your fault? Who else might be responsible for your own buttcrack, hmm? Some People's ability to place blame outside themselves is just amazing.

nicknesser 0

Keep your junk in the trunk, plain and simple.

fiveonefiveoh 0

that's very good advice! he should definitely do that.. in the past! when the advice woulda made a difference!! ;p

Have. They should HAVE tightened their belt. See how correcting someone after the fact makes a difference?

the belt holds the pants up, and the belt loops hold the belt up...whos the real hero?

4th. could nearly be first but my iPhone lagged

No one cares. And you're fifth, dumbass.

Exactly. I've learned MY lesson after my German Sheperd attempted to butt-rape me while I was picking up a penny.

Your belt obviously wasn't doing it's job.

FMLephant 2

The belt should be fired, Trump style.

so she saw your ass crack and then got sick because of it? she really needs to get a life or some pepto bismal or something...