By WeightAMinute - 09/07/2009 01:28 - United States

Today, I ran into my ex-boyfriend who dumped me after 2 1/2 years because I got fat. The last two years I've lost 68 lbs, am happier and couldn't wait to shove that in his face. So, of course the first time he see's me I'm alone, pushing a shopping cart full of ice cream for a party later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 761
You deserved it 6 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'll still have noticed that you're looking foxy nowadays. He's a guy. They don't miss that kinda thing. =]

Man, screw that ****** for dumping you, he should have supported you and been concerned for your health, rather than just dropping you. Great job on losing the weight though! And i'm sure he noticed it too. Have fun at your party!


skiz_fml 0

**** off, no one gives a shit if your first. And OP that sucks, but oh well. Who cares what a jackass thinks of you.

no1askdu 5

at least you lost the weight ...who cares what anyone else thinks... its how you feel about yourself is what counts....

Well I wonder if she would have lost the weight if he didn't dump her. That's the real question.

I am not bothered if someone's first. I actually kind of like it, but don't be an obnoxious jerk about it. Didn't you even have a comment at all??? That had the distinct air of douchey-ness, guy.

imballinlol 0

Blackscent... You are a fag. Shut the **** up "BITCH." And OP thats what you get for becoming a fat bitch. Shoulda watched your figure.

Trevv 0

#5 you're the man (goat?) and 36 you're absolutley right.

JuroBear 0

HA ******* THREADJACKING AGAIN BITCHES on a more serious note what was the fml about again?

Randen_fml 0

if you had the ability to loose 68 pounds your ass must of been super fat.

He'll still have noticed that you're looking foxy nowadays. He's a guy. They don't miss that kinda thing. =]

^^ she knows whats up. Also, awesome nickname OP.

I noticed that too. WeightAMinute is an awesome name for fatty related FMLs

yeah... and screw him for dumping u bc he thought u gained weight!

Thought? What if she actually DID gain weight? Not that it's a good reason to end a relationship, but somebody's weight is not a matter of opinion.

she did gain weight... "got fat" to be exact.

deja54 0

So, if you're dating someone you no longer find attractive, are you supposed to just... what? pretend?

Man, screw that ****** for dumping you, he should have supported you and been concerned for your health, rather than just dropping you. Great job on losing the weight though! And i'm sure he noticed it too. Have fun at your party!

deathbunny256 0

Well wouldn't she sorta be rewarding him if she screwed him?

Well she did end up losing the weight because of his actions. It wasnt a break up, it was an intervention.

Wow that's serious bad luck LOL Imagine what's running through his head seeing you with all that ice cream...

cucumberfabulous 7
justxmyxluck 0

All that matters is....You ain't fat anymore! So, **** his life for dumping you for a stupid reason.

actually it is a matter of opinion when u dump someone for it

stuff like this always seems to happen to me... except my weight has never been a concern... but similar stuff. it sucks I'm sorry

Im with the second poster, he noticed that for sure. He was probably so focused on how good YOU look he probably didnt even notice what you had in your cart... or that you were even pushing a cart in the first place! Congrats and good for you for worrying about your health not your @sshole ex!

2 1/2 years is a long time to hold a grudge.

jnic 0

OP, I think the fact that you lost a whopping 68 pounds WAY overrides the fact that you were buying a lot of ice cream. Not like a few cartons of ice cream is gonna make you gain back 68 pounds... maybe your ridiculous insecurity of what you're seen buying/eating is what's keeping you thin. HEALTHY. :D This calls for a "so what? stop whining" button. A normal person would've loved for this to happen to them.

Read it more carefully next time. OP didn't say he dumped her 2 and a half years ago. She said he dumped her after 2 and a half years. Meaning they've been together for that long.