By ZombieLicker - 25/11/2009 20:25 - United States

Today, I was walking into the building I hoped to work in someday with my resume, ready to be interviewed. As I walked through the doors I had to sneeze, so lifted my hands and sneezed a huge bloody booger right in the middle of the cover page. Turns out future employers don't like that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 940
You deserved it 7 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

When they say you need to do something to make your resume stand out, that snot what they mean.

thats why you always take two copies... just good rule of thumb.


Tell them someone kicked the bloody snot out of you.

xoluvinshayxo 0

take that resume and shove it in his mouth! give him that sweet taste of swine flu..

sportsnut 0 though that you would be interviewed on the spot? If you are so confident/cocky, why would you not have turned around, walked out, printed a NEW cover page and gone back later? YDI for thinking that you were so great that a giant snot stain on a cover letter doesn't mean anything to the people you are asking for work from

So? Whats wrong with that? Why the hell would u expect someone to like ur "huge bloody buger??" YDI!!

Did you only have one copy? When I go in for an interview, I always have at least 5 copies of my resume ready. Has come in handy more than once for me.

Holding things with one hand has its benefits; in particular, it frees your other hand to do things, like cover your mouth when you sneeze. Unless your resume is the size of an unabridged dictionary, try it sometime.

Try sneezing into your elbow instead. It's all the rage now.

That's why you should be professional and have multiple copies in a portfolio/folder.