By DudeManBro69 - 01/05/2009 13:15 - United States

Today, I was walking downstairs to the subway. At the top of the stairs, some hobo was peeing. Two seconds before, I'd told my friend I felt rain. It wasn't rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 033
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This doesn't all add up though If you thought it was rain, where do you live? Does rain pound at you viciously in one small area? I mean if it were the final drops, sure, but you said you saw him peeing after you felt the rain. If you saw him before, then you're a moron for walking under his piss. 0_o


poolshark 0

You should have known it was hobo pee splatter... rain doesn't usually smell like cheap whiskey.

Wait... if you're walking downstairs, and you felt rain earlier, and the hobo was at the top, how would you know it was him? I'm confused.

The only thing that makes his life complete, is turn your face into a toilet seat. Could've been Lil' Wayne makin' it rain.

the exact same thing almost happened to me the other day by the santa monica pier! thankfully i wasn't directly under it when i realized what was going on.

kingsleyxx09 0

how is he at the top of the stairs you just walked down? im confused if you're going down the subway, and he's at the top of the stairs, that means you passed him going to the subway, which means you should have known he was peeing

Hobo piss is the main transmitter of swine flu. You better get yourself checked out. Everyone, kill all the homeless.

#16: that's not funny-the swine flu is really dangerous and that's not the #1 cause-and u shouldn't kill all the homeless just bcuz they're less fortunate than u OP: I hope u got a shower rite away cuz that's just nasty!

alex_vik 0

#17 obviously can't take a joke. #16 - I lol'd.

Sometimes when it starts to rain you feel raindrops.It doesnt have to be pouring to feel rain. Also,she could of turned around to look if it was raining as she was going down the stairs and then she saw him peeing......that or it could be made up.

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

that's the subway for ya! i live close to NYC so i go there all the time by subway/train so i know that this can be true. lol