By EmBAREassed - 31/07/2009 13:43 - United States

Today, I was walking around Walmart feeling pretty good about myself as I received numerous looks from guys in passing. All of a sudden a man approached me to tell me that my dress was extremely see-through. And, since I was wearing a thong, he and everyone else could totally see my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 502
You deserved it 60 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it. You probably should have checked yourself out in the mirror first. I have to agree with Shallow_Padentic: You most likely did that on purpose.


There are many fabrics that are see through in a certain lighting and not in others. This is probably what happened to the OP. Whenever I'm dressing with an outfit I haven't tested before, I make sure to take a look under different lights before I set foot out of home, because with the thin summer dresses and shirts, that happens a lot, so I don't want to take the risk to go out being see-through. You'd be amazed at the difference that electric light or sunlight can make. So all the guys with vulgar comments calling the OP names can go back to their caves and stop saying idiocies when they don't know what they're talking about.

i say you shouldnt worry bout it.... it means guys are actually lookin at you!! haha

deserved it lmao. Check urself in the mirror next time ;P

you see? none of this wouldve happened if you had just stayed in the kitchen like your supposed too

At least you weren't wearing granny panties!

visage 0

I love seeing women like you walk around!

Atleast he told you nicely? Eh, YDI for wearing a transparent dress.

I have seen girls do this before. I am a girl, and while I enjoy looking sexy and slutty for my own husband, I also have the common sense to wear a slip under all of my skirts when I leave the house. They're cheap, and you can even get them at Wal-Mart if you're on a tight budget. YDI for not realizing that.