By crap - 24/02/2014 04:01 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I was walking a dog at the animal hospital where I work when it pooped out a rag-like object. I told the doctor, who told me to clean it off to see what it was. It was a rainbow-colored thong. We have to give it back to the owner when they pick their dog up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 949
You deserved it 3 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where they surprised when you gave back the thong?

Nothing good can come of giving it back. Just embarrassing for both sides. It's not a diamond ring - it should have gone in the trash and the owner never been told.


I think that would be more embarrassing for the owner than OP.

Wizardo 33

Girl let me eat that tho-o-ong, making my tummy go da-na-na, thighs like a truck truck truck, lace like what what what.

I wonder if eating that made the dog sick and that's why it was at the vets in the first place. So the vet needs to show evidence that that the dog is all better because there was merely a thong blocking up his system.

I anticipate an FML later today saying: "Today, I went to go pick my dog up from the animal hospital..."

beaverteaser 16

Really?!? That seems a bit much. Who would want their thong back after their dog pooped it out!Horrible.

I think you have to give it back...they can dump it right outside your hospital, but everything would be theft. Maybe it is an expensive or otherwise special thong and the owner was probably already searching for it. Just put it in a plastic bag and hand it over. Fyourlife for having to wash it...uargh!

F the dog's parents' lives too. But at least they'll know what made their dog sick.