Healthcare for all

By Jill_Free_Woods - 19/07/2022 22:00

Today, I was sitting down to do my homework when I severely sprained my ankle. I live on the third floor and can’t walk far without severe pain, and I'm broke, so a compression bandage is out of the question. I can’t wait until the first of the month when I get paid again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 898
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A swollen ankle is the least of your problems. Maybe you should work on perfecting the death-defying art of sitting down without severe personal injury. I'm sure there are safe sitting coaches who will come to your place and show you the esoteric craft of chair-using.

giffinator6 5

I also recently got a 3rd degree sprain on my ankle, it was the size of a baseball. 4 weeks in and I am still struggling to stand on my foot for more then 2 hours at work, and have to continue to wear my splint. I'm off of my crutches though! remember to elevate and ice your foot, when you feel comfortable to move it some, write the ABC's with your ankle. I'm sorry about your injury


giffinator6 5

I also recently got a 3rd degree sprain on my ankle, it was the size of a baseball. 4 weeks in and I am still struggling to stand on my foot for more then 2 hours at work, and have to continue to wear my splint. I'm off of my crutches though! remember to elevate and ice your foot, when you feel comfortable to move it some, write the ABC's with your ankle. I'm sorry about your injury

I got it sitting in my nice luxurious office chair. I’ve been doing everything but compress.

A swollen ankle is the least of your problems. Maybe you should work on perfecting the death-defying art of sitting down without severe personal injury. I'm sure there are safe sitting coaches who will come to your place and show you the esoteric craft of chair-using.