By Dave B - 25/11/2011 06:59 - Reserved

Today, I was verbally abused by a guy in a 4-wheel-drive twat-tank for listening to music on my iPod while I was "blocking the way." I was standing on the footpath waiting for a bus. At a bus stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 475
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

etienne02 2

You should have hijacked his 4-wheeler and let him wait for the bus, without an ipod

So this guy was yelling at you for standing in an "it's-okay-to-stand-here" zone? Excuse me TWO RANDOM STRANGERS, but how in the hell does OP even REMOTELY deserve this??


This is when you stare at him and then say, " What? What? I can't hear you I have head phones on. What? What? Sorry buddy, I don't sell drugs or have any spare change! What? What ?" then wave him on and laugh!

Hey DelphiCat when I park my father's Range Rover I take up at least 3 spaces!

KiddNYC1O 20
caffee28 0

Stop being a little bitch! Just cause you cant afford a sweet truck like his, doesn't mean you have to complain like a little bitch. Have a nice day!

JinxosGirl87 0

Just yell as loud as you can that you're not a male prostitute and he needs to take his business elsewhere.

Haha well it sounds like you're jealous because you're walking and riding the bus when buddy worked hard to afford a nice vehicle. Your a twat for not owning a vehicle.

Hi there, some of us live in cites these days... There are many reasons why bus makes more sense than car... For example, around my flat there are 0 parking spaces for residents, and due to road works there is currently no parking at all on the street. Where i lived last year, there were spaces for those with permits, but not nearly enough, so my friend routinely had to park his KA four streets away... Not to mention if you're going anywhere in my city, an all day bus ticket will cost you substantially less than petrol would have for the same journey, and you can get on as many buses as you want, so really, why would we WANT to drive?

Maybe, just maybe, they're too young to drive. Or can't afford it. Or, just like #101 said, they live in the city where it makes sense. Commenters. Goodness.

Maybe, just maybe, they're too young to drive. Or can't afford it. Or, just like #101 said, they live in the city where it makes sense. Commenters. Goodness.

I do believe i made it clear it was OK when there was a legitimate reason. If you chose not to read my post through and then get self righteous about it that is fine by me... I grew up in a country village, no one in the village had a 4x4 because we had decent roads, but plenty of lovely hard working people in outlying farms had, and used them, as i said i have no problem whatsoever with this. As has already been pointed out, i'm taking issue with the city and town dwellers whose twat tanks make them feel 'safer'. Of course they feel safer, if they run over a pedestrian or cyclist we're just going to go straight under their wheels. No nasty cracks in the windscreen. God, it would have been so inconsiderate of us to survive such an accident.

bandkids4life 0

Well looks like some one must have him whitey tighties on to tight