By Fucked - 24/01/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone. The subject of abuse came up and I told her that if her father ever hurt her I would cut his dick off. The next thing I hear is, "Don't say shit you can't back up!" Her father had picked up the phone the moment I'd said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 761
You deserved it 13 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he didn't abuse her, shouldn't he be glad his daughter's boyfriend is -in a weird and somewhat violent way- looking out for her?

singer4life666 0

I guess you aren't going over there ever.


violinist666 0

If he thinks being a man means beating his little girl, he should have his dick cut off.

shouldn't he gave been glad you don't want her hurt?!

TheLastToasty 0

cut his dick off? what are you, 5? obviously he wasnt intimidated which further strengthens my theory of him being 10 times the man you are

tatersalad33 0
BoredUnicorn 6

Did everyone stop and stare? Because then you could've gone ,"Gatorade don't take no shit!", and stomped out.

Or you could just beat him senseless with a baseball bat

SexyMexi21 23

Well then.... now you have to stay true to your word! Besides how did you guys get on the topic of abuse??

unless her dad is already hurting her. don't say that. XD

If he's not abusive, then it shouldn't matter, and he should be impressed with your resolve to take care of his daughter. If he is abusive... Back it up. Fight dirty. If he's sexually abusive, cut his dick off and burn it in front of him. Then prison-tattoo "Pedophile" on his chest and back and call the cops.