By Anonymous - 13/10/2012 23:42 - United Kingdom - Hemel Hempstead

Today, I was talking to my future mother-in-law about my upcoming wedding. She told me that I wasn't allowed to have the wedding at a church, nor wear a white dress, nor have roses for flowers, because that would mean I'd be "copying" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 846
You deserved it 1 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She also forgot to mention that you're not allowed to invite your future mother-in-law to the wedding. That'd be copying her too.

wow. sheesh. something tells me she might not approve of you marrying her son. not your fault though, OP. FYL!


Tell her you can't invite her to the wedding because you'll be copying her

Wow, this bitch obviously A. Does not know what a wedding is, or B. doesn't approve of you marrying her son.

Talk to your fiancé that will decide what to do he should have a say

CaroAurelia 12

So she invented the basic wedding traditions, then, I take it?

Did you ask her how many people did she copy?

fantastamazing 10

**** her, do what you want and let her eat the bouquet