By littlemissgullible - 10/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was talking to an ex who I still love. He told me how much he wanted to see me, how much he missed me, and we started talking about when we could spend the day at his house. I mentioned Saturday, and he said, "I can't, I have to take my fiancée to the doctor's to find out our baby's sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 178
You deserved it 8 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!


redgame_ftw 0

fail u need to go find some1 else if he is will to cheat if u on his wife to be most likely he ganna cheat on u

_Damien_ 0

No wonder your called little miss gullible.

Man, that's terrible haha. It's obvious that he doesn't love you the same way that you think you love him. Don't do it!

dancingbelle 0

Damien, the correct usage is "you're"....a diss is so much more effective when you think before you type. I would hope that you'd know the difference between "your" and "you're"....most people don't care, but I do. OP-FYL for having a jerk of an ex. But...YDI for not taking the hint that you needed to move on after the breakup (why do you still love him??) and that you guys broke up for a good reason so stay away from him.

GeorgeBoosh 0

Ha ha ha, that's what you get for trying to hook up with YOU'RE ex again. Why did your leave him the first time? Or have you're forgotten about that already. But… if you want to get back at him, tell his fiancee that yoore pregnant by him. That'll break up his new relationship. Have fun yourall.

cater2U 0

I'm sorry but I can't stand people like you OP. it's annoying how people are like blah blah blah I still love my ex even though they most likely have moved on. ydi because you tried to go back to someone that hurt you before.

thinmint 0

ydi for saying, "to the doctor's". how about to the doctor? I'm no grammer or spelling Nazi but that is annoying.

Thinmint, how about *to the doctor's [office]*?I think the word "office" is implied. Anyway, YDI for not moving on. You can't really help how you feel but you can control how you act. He had enough time to get engaged to and impregnate someone else. Why are you still on the hook?

Blue_Coconuts 7

I bet the guy just wanted to catch up innocently but OP heard what she wanted to hear and thought he was saying he wanted to get back together...

I don't understand why people are mad at the guy... he said he missed her and wanted to catch up, not bone ....

anti_average 5

He wanted to catch up on his boning. :D

Yee12 0

What the ****? Why are people getting mad at the guy? He didn't do anything wrong.

@63 no wonder you're called George bush

WeOH12 0

YALL grammar hoes are ****** retarded. I feel sorry for yall lmao everywhere yall go I bet yall correct everything! haha LOW LIFES

I'm no grammar Nazi, but if you're going to use annoying fake words like y'all, at least type it right.

anti_average 5

Actually "ya'll" is a real word, or words more accurately. It's just the words "you all" said with a southern dialect. THE MORE YOU KNOW ^^

LemonMan 0

YDI for leaving the kitchen to talk with an ex boyfriend ....-.-

maybe he didn't mean that kid of catching up...? I doubt he wanted to rub it in

ihatestudying 0
bezach 0

so having children and getting marryed trying to be friends with your ex=douche?

khloe_sophia 3

don't even bother hanging out with him. he's a jerkkk!

Just sounds like OP took it the wrong way to me. If you miss someone whom you used to be intimate with, you could just want them back in your life as nothing more than a friend.

rohosoccer08 1

I'm friends with pretty much all of my exes, only one of which I was actually in love with, now we are nothing more than friends and my husband is even friends with them to the point he doesn't care who I hang out with and if we are alone or not. So I agree the girl just took it wrong.

junkie2010 0

nice taste in men ya got there lol sucks to be you eh

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!

Sun_Kissed18 25

oh wow that sucks. or maybe he said he missed u in a friendly way and u took it the wrong way.

I'm sure it's possible for him to love the woman that he wants to be his mistress. Second place isn't so bad. I mean it's right there next to first place.

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

janise 2

I'm going to guess he meant he missed the OP as a friend since he was upfront about his fiance and baby on the way. Most guys looking to cheat aren't that honest.

She put blinders on reality in favour of her expectations.