I need some me time

By Anonymous - 13/07/2020 23:04

Today, my fiancée decided to go on a 3-hour trip because she needed a break from the baby and me. I forgot to mention who she went with: her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 942
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whyme203 15

Take this from a guy who’s baby’s mom left me for her prison dwelling ex while I was working and she was a stay at home mom. Do not continue down that path. It’s not worth it. It may hurt to cut ties now but it is better to start the healing process now than wait to try and fix things only for it to end the same way. All you will get is more pain and possibly end up broke

tounces7 27

Obviously, you need to reconsider marrying this selfish disloyal loser. Things don't really ever take an upturn if she needs a break from you before you've even gotten married yet.


tounces7 27

Obviously, you need to reconsider marrying this selfish disloyal loser. Things don't really ever take an upturn if she needs a break from you before you've even gotten married yet.

genuinegoodguy 9

You’re not really going to marry this person are you ? Are you a doormat?

whyme203 15

Take this from a guy who’s baby’s mom left me for her prison dwelling ex while I was working and she was a stay at home mom. Do not continue down that path. It’s not worth it. It may hurt to cut ties now but it is better to start the healing process now than wait to try and fix things only for it to end the same way. All you will get is more pain and possibly end up broke

TPH1979 18

The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed

The OP is certainly not The Professor.

brenniman 10

Sounds like the two timing ***** is getting serviced somewhere else, all while taking you for a complete fool and her useful idiot.

Ditch her man. This isn't something you should tolerate.