By Joe - 16/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking an exam and I knew I was unprepared, so I wrote some cheat notes on my ankle. As I cross my legs to look at my notes, I realize I wore tall boots to class. I can't even cheat properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 021
You deserved it 138 375

Same thing different taste


candygurl91 0

no wonder you needed to cheat, cause your an idiot. :P

haha!! Karma's a bitch, bitch. I hate people like you.

and #106 is exactly my reason why people like you piss me off. Because I work my ass off.

Cheating is a great way to pass the assignments, bomb the exams, pass the course with a D-, and not actually learn anything. Then later you discover a use for that thing you should have learned, and have to go back and learn it anyway. Fail, in more ways than one.

if ur gona cheat, which is bad, at least do it right write it on your wrist and wear a wrist band or wear long sleaves and write it on ur arm its less noticable also

Q_0 0

YDI because if you had been paying attention to your class and did what you were supposed to you wouldn't have to cheat in the first place. Failface.

Wow. Just wow. Maybe you should bring this up to your teacher/professor and maybe they'll just pass you for being so retarded. I hope you're not hoping to go into the medical field.