By Joe - 16/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking an exam and I knew I was unprepared, so I wrote some cheat notes on my ankle. As I cross my legs to look at my notes, I realize I wore tall boots to class. I can't even cheat properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 021
You deserved it 138 375

Same thing different taste


star_ver 0

I've cheated like this before. If your a female like me, the best thing is to wear a skirt and write on your thighs. Then, if a teacher shoots you suspicious looks (all my teachers are male) you accuse him of being a peeper. It works everytime. And as for people who hate on cheaters - so what? Cheaters win in life alot, and atleast the ones who don't cheat have got the moral highground. I don't give a shit about being truthful.

GloomySkyz 0
fernlinusdawson 0

HAHAHA I can see why you would need the cheats, you idiot.

here is an idea... Pay attention, it isn't much more work than cheating... and you will actually know something!

here are some tips i found do it right this time Method 1: Method 2: Method 3:

YDI for cheatin. and YDI for bein as dumb as hell. damn. xD