By Anon O'Mous - 02/01/2012 15:38 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower at the gym when hearing a loud popping noise. Surprised and startled, I jumped and slipped, hitting my head against the shower wall that left a small gash. The pop noise was just someone blowing bubbles from their gum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 585
You deserved it 5 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xquisite1 28

At least you weren't knocked unconscious while naked.

In a gym shower full of men? Well, I respect your choice.


I totally read that as large pooping noise at first. It was much funnier that way. :)

Yikes! Watch out for those evil bubblegum pops!!

Biggins14 0

If your at the gym and is that big of a puss then you must be on steroids

AMart65 5

Haha the visual for this actually made me laugh out loud

krispeykreme14 4
insanelyXnikki 18

That's why if possible I wait until I get home to take a shower... ughh I hate public showers lol

I misread it as pooping... I was pretty confused.